A Baby Girl Nursery

I'm excited to share details of my baby girl's space.  I wanted the space to be new and fresh, but I wanted to do it with a small budget since she's one day going to be sharing a room with her big sister.  
I started with a few simple, design elements to bring the nursery together.  Here's what I started with:

1.  Statement Lighting
Since lighting can make a HUGE impact, I knew I wanted to do something fun.  But a lighting statement can cost as much (or more) than the statement.  So I looked to IKEA for something big and inexpensive.  I settled on THIS light and sprayed it gold.  It took me a day to paint and dry, and my personal handyman had it up within minutes.

2.  Wallpaper Decals
I found the sweetest watercolor decals here.  Urban Walls has tons of decals to choose from, and the sky is the limit as to how you wanted to implement them.  I just free-handed my spacing and deliberately spaced some really close together and some evenly apart.  My 9'x11' wall used only one purchase of a 50 pack of dots, for $48.  Putting these up was really fun because it instantly made a big impact, and it was quick process.

3.  A Unified Theme
Picking a theme will help your space stay unified and give it an identity.  This doesn't mean it should be all pink and unicorns a hundred times over, or all brown with horses through and through.  But implementing a theme, and then acknowledging small motifs of that theme in various ways (even just once), give a space an identity.  Spaces like this create an inviting and welcoming atmosphere.  And don't think that this concept suggests a super controlled, generic space.  If your space is super random and eclectic, acknowledge that as your theme, and go for it. I love eclectic spaces because they emanate depth and have layers of meaning in them.  They are like pieces of art commissioned just for you.  That being said a lot can be said with silence, or in the case of design, so much can be said with simplicity.  Whatever you're looking for, envision it, and then implement those elements.  It all depends on your personal taste.  But just go for it, and enjoy creating it.

Some the other fun DIY's included spraying the drapery rings gold, spraying an Ikea rod gold to display some of our swaddle blankets, and simply handing spice racks as book shelves.
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